REGULATIONS FOR academy in THE 2024/2025 SEASON

§ 1

General Information

1. Definition of terms used in the Regulations:

a) Organizer – means Inter Brussels Football Academy [email:,
tel: 0 472 665 875] acting on behalf of:

Inter Brussels VZW
Driesstraat 129/5
9506 Idegem

BE 0767.807.854
Bank Account No: BE41 0019 1361 7010

b) Rules and Regulations – these Rules and Regulations of the children’s football activities organized by the Organizer;
c) Classes – football classes organized by the Organizer;
d) Participant – a child registered by his/her guardian and taking part in the Classes;
e) Legal guardian – a parent or other person who is the legal guardian of the child for whom participation in the Classes has been purchased;
f) Agreement – means an agreement concluded remotely (electronically) between the Organiser and the Guardian via the web form concerning the participation of the Guardian’s child in a Class
g) Class purchaser – the Guardian who has remotely concluded an agreement with the Organiser through the online form concerning the participation of his/her child (or a child for whom he/she is the legal guardian) in the Classes.

2) The Organizer of the Classes within the academy is Inter Brussels Football Academy VZV.

3) Girls and boys aged between 3 and 15 can participate in the classes (with the exception of special cases or upon parents’ request).

4) Classes take place twice a week according to the schedule presented by the Organizer on the academy’s website

5) The process of signing up for the Classes takes place during the registration via an online form on the website. The Organizer stipulates that this registration is not tantamount to accepting the child for the Classes.

6) In the case of the Organiser’s decision on the enrolment of a child to classes at Inter Brussels Football Academy, of which the Guardian will be notified by the Organizer via e-mail, the Guardian will be obliged to pay the Registration Fee to the Organizer’s account. Making the Registration Fee in the aforementioned time ensures the candidate for a Participant a place on the list of participants of the Classes and training set during the first classes. Failure to pay the registration fee will result in the child being crossed off the list of candidates for Participants, thus freeing up space for the next candidate for Participant.

7) The Organiser stipulates that the number of participants in the Classes is limited.

§ 2

Attire and prepare for the Classes

1) Each Participant is obliged to participate in training and competitions wearing clothes provided by the Organizer.

2) The Organizer will provide professional training equipment.

3) The IB Kit consists of a training/match shirt, football socks,

§ 3


1) All participants of the Classes pay a fee of 300 Euro per round (in words: three hundred Euros) hereafter referred to as the “Fee”. This fee must be credited to the coach no later than after the first day of the class. There is one exception where players in group U6 pays 170 Euro per round.

2) The Entry/Administration Fee (hereafter “Fee”) of 70 Euro is a one-time fee. It is a one-time fee for New Players. The entry fee is to be paid to your account as soon as you submit the application form. The entry fee covers administrative costs and the training kit.

3) The entry fee is necessary to ensure a place on the list of participants of the Classes and to receive a set of training clothes (shirt, shorts, socks). In the event that the Participant fails to pay the Registration Fee, the Organiser shall be entitled to remove the Participant from the reservation of a place on the list of Classes participants and not to provide the Participant with a set of training clothing. The payment may also be made on the account, see §1 item 1.a.

4) The enrolment fee in the case of cancellation of the Classes shall be allocated in full to cover operating costs related to the enrolment of the Participant in the list of Classes, including the costs of issuing a set of training clothing (if issued).

5) If a player/parent withdraws from a Class during the season, there will be no refund of the season or entry fee.

6) If a parent has registered a Player during the Season, the organizer may count the season (deduct) fee based on the anticipated months of activity.

§ 4

Rules of participation in the Classes

1) The Organizer reserves the right to change the training location at which the Classes will be conducted and the date of the Classes in the autumn-winter period, proposing to commence training at a substitute location during the autumn-winter period (e.g. a hall). The legal guardian and the Participant will be informed about the fact of changing the training place during the autumn-winter period via e-mail/www/fb.

2) [Right to Terminate the Agreement/Resign from the Classes] The Guardian of the Class Participant shall have the right to terminate the Agreement and thereby cancel the Participant’s participation in the Classes, provided that he/she submits a statement and sends it by e-mail to:

3) Cancellation of the Classes shall not give rise to a claim for a refund of the Fee.

4) The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Classes in the event of circumstances beyond its control.

5) In the case of cancellation of the Classes for the reasons specified in item 4 above, the Participant shall be entitled to take advantage of another Class date specified by the Organiser (and this may also be a different day of the week than the days previously enrolled in the Classes schedule at the

6) The Organiser reserves the right to strike a Participant from the Classes or to move a Participant to another group:
a. for educational reasons, i.e. in the case of gross violation of the
regulations of the Organizer;
b. for sporting reasons – on the basis of an opinion of the coaching staff with a one-month
period of notice.

§ 5

Organization of the Classes

1) the Organizer assures that:
a. each Class shall be conducted according to the academy’s own training program
Inter Brussels academy;
b. each Class shall last 60 minutes.
c. there shall be at least one coach in each group during the Classes;
d. the training areas in which the Classes shall take place professionally equipped with appropriate and safe sports equipment
e. e. Classes shall be conducted on synthetic turf, on natural turf, or in classroom gymnastics.

2) Participants may only commence the Classes in the costumes received from the Organiser as part of the registration fee.

3) The Organiser informs and at the same time recommends that the legal guardian, prior to the Participant’s participation in the Classes, carries out an appropriate periodical medical examination of the Participant in order to establish whether there are any contraindications to his/her participation in the Classes.

4) Notwithstanding the above-mentioned medical examination of the participant, the legal guardian shall be obliged, prior to the participant’s participation in the first Classes, to complete, sign and deliver to the Organiser a statement of the participant’s health in order to notify the Organiser of any chronic diseases (allergies, asthma, etc.), injuries sustained or other ailments which may constitute an obstacle to the participant’s participation in the soccer classes. In the event of failure to provide the Organiser with a statement of health, the Organiser shall assume that the lack of the statement hereby means that the Participant is in full health and has no medical reservations as regards taking part in the Classes. The Organiser shall bear no liability under civil law in the event of failure to submit a statement on the health condition of the Participant or concealment of facts related to the Participant’s illnesses or injuries.

5) Legal guardians of the Classes Participants are requested to inform the Organiser on an ongoing basis of any illnesses, injuries or other ailments identified in the Participant ailments that may constitute contraindications or prevent the safe participation in the Classes.

6) The Organiser shall not be liable for any personal injury or health consequences resulting from the individual health condition of the Participant.
health consequences resulting from the individual health condition of the Participant and his/her participation in the Classes.
participation in the Classes. 7.
The Organiser shall not be held liable for property lost during the Classes; therefore, the possession of valuable items, including valuables, by
valuable items by the Participants, including cell phones, tablets, sports
sports equipment and others, shall be held at their sole responsibility. 8.
The Organiser shall provide the Participants with accident insurance for the duration of the Classes. Details of such insurance shall be communicated by email/fb/www.

§ 6

Consent to the processing of personal data

In connection with the entry into force – on 25 May 2018. – regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to The processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data, and repealing
Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation); Official Journal of the EU L 119 of 04.05.2016, p. 1;
hereinafter: RODO, I hereby inform you that:

1. the Inter Brussels Football Academy processes your personal data in connection with the affiliation of Inter Brussels VZW BE 0767.807.854
The data controller informs you that:
a. Processed by Inter Brussels Football Academy personal data and photos of members of Inter Brussels Football Academy and candidates for membership of Inter Brussels Football Academy come exclusively from the persons to whom they pertain;
b. Providing personal data to Inter Brussels Football Academy is voluntary, but necessary to obtain and keep the membership in Inter Brussels Football Academy. Failure to provide Inter Brussels Football Academy membership is impossible to obtain, a request for restricting the processing of personal data or limiting it is tantamount to resignation from applying for membership in Inter Brussels Football Academy.
c. Contact with the controller of personal data is possible via
d. Your personal data and photos:
aa. Provided in the membership declaration or subsequently (for example by email), are processed on the basis of Article 6(1)(B) and (F) of the RODO;
ab. They are processed only for purposes related to the membership in Inter Brussels Football Academy resulting from legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator (they are not processed for commercial purposes);
ac. They will be stored for the period of membership in Inter Brussels Football Academy, and also after the termination of membership, for a period in accordance with the law, and in the case of legally justified purposes of the Administrator – for the time of their realization;
ad. They are not processed in the form of analytical profiling, sales profiling or any measurements;
ae. Are not shared with any other entity except for club partners and sponsor purposes but after special agreements.
af. You have the right to demand from the Administrator access to the personal data concerning you, to rectify them, limit their processing or erase them. If you think that the processing of personal data on behalf of Inter Brussels Football Academy. If you believe that the processing of your personal data on behalf of Inter Brussels Football Academy violates the law, you have the right to lodge a complaint to the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection (in the future – the Inspector General for General Inspector for Personal Data Protection (in future to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection).

§ 7

Final Provisions

1) These Regulations and consent to the processing of personal data should be printed and signed by the Guardian ad litem.
signed by the Legal Guardian and given to the Participant during the first training session.

2) these Regulations shall be effective as of the date they are made available on the Organiser’s website, i.e. Each year by the start of the new season which means from 1st September of 2024 and last till 31st of August of 2025.

3) Amendments to the bylaws may be made during the season and, if made, will be located in Section 8.

4) Signing Up to Inter Brussels Football Academy is equivalent to consent to the processing of personal data and the above Regulations. The Regulations can be printed and signed personally or by completing the Application Form and approving the Regulations at the same time.